Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Proof of Silver Awakening – Hoping Paperback Will Launch Soon – And Special Single Mother Dedication

I received what I hope will be the final print proof of my novel, Silver Awakening

The interior is looking so polished and professional now without all of the orphans and widows, and with a redesign of chapter headers, page numbers, and page headers...redesigned using the custom font that matches the book cover. Thank you, Erin for that font!

Also, since CreateSpace lacks color management profiles, I basically had to digitally proof the book cover off of my monitor using an Adobe Creative Suite print proof mode that most closely resembled a copy of a physical proof I had previously received from CreateSpace. Considering the circumstance, this was the best method. Relying wholly on my visual perception, I adjusted my book cover file on-screen, boosting saturation, adding or reducing contrast, lightening or darkening according to what I judged would be the likely outcome per the physical proof in hand. I also converted all linked PSD files to the CMYK color space that my ending ID File would be using. What a pain. But I got it nearly spot on after only one revision and now it looks incredible! (This is where my bachelor's degree in photography came in handy. I'm a color correcting pro.) I really do like the matte finish more now that the colors are popping out and looking as intended. I actually like it a lot more than the glossy finish that I was debating over in my previous blog posts. (1st post, 2nd post, 3rd post.)

If you would like to see all of the photos of my way better new print proof, go to my Facebook Fan Page. I've posted some quickie snapshots there.

Once I'm finished proofing this new physical print proof––hopefully it looks perfect and there's nothing else wrong with it––then I will be able to schedule the launch date for the release of the paperback edition of Silver AwakeningSo excited! Fingers crossed.


The paperback edition of Silver Awakening is looking so much better. I think maybe all of the printing issues were a blessing in disguise. I've prayed long and hard for help with this book. Truly, my prayers were answered by way of kind people who offered to help me and also through preparatory learning that was long ago inspired by the Lord––I was prompted to move from Arizona to Utah back when I was a SINGLE MOTHER with a lil kindergartner. I was scared, but I felt impressed to go to USU and learn skills that I haven't been sure I even need. My higher education hasn't helped pay my bills at actually created the heaviest debts I own. But what I learned in school has helped me with this book. And I know Heavenly Father inspired this book. Just like Noah Steffen (a character in my novel), I also know how to tell the difference between thoughts that are my own and thoughts that aren't.

I started writing Silver Awakening when I was experiencing all of my Sins, Hims, and Whims as a Single Mother. I finished Silver Awakening as a newly married woman who is incredibly blessed.

To all the SINGLE LADIES: I know life is so hard right now, but never stop learning or working toward your goals. You will reach them. I'm still trying to reach mine. Inch by inch I will make it. You will make it too.

I dedicate this message and this post to a longtime single mother friend. (We were single moms together years ago.) She was fortunate to remarry and add to her family. Her joy lasted for a season, but she is now preparing for a brutal divorce. She will be a single mother again, only instead of one child to raise, she now has three. Lets all pray for her and her children tonight.

Nicholle, today this is for you: My heart aches. My eyes are wet. I know it's a heavy burden, but I believe that the darkest sorrows overcome will bring the brightest joys. I love you, girl! You've got this!  ;-)

Love Always,


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