Thursday, September 27, 2012

Part 3 Status Update

I had momentum with the first two parts of this blog, but being a single mother limits my time and the current challenges in this single mom's life are taking priority. Gotta put food on the table...and in the lunchbox.

I have about half of Part 3 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother written. However, with every spare minute granted me I've been busy polishing a separate fiction manuscript that I've completed. I also started querying that, which requires a lot of time and research, so I haven't had the free time I would prefer to finish up Part 3 of this blog. Be patient with me and I'll have it up as soon as possible. Thanks to those who follow. I'll keep you posted. If you haven't started reading yet, get caught up now while I'm on hiatus.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

It’s raining, it’s pouring...

…but I won’t be snoring. I’ll be lucky if I can sleep a wink. I’m somewhat of an insomniac, particularly when the sky is falling.

"When it rains it pours."

One of the most cliché sayings I've ever heard. One I’m tired of hearing. Yet, I believe truth is the crafty, cunning, illustrator of cliché.

Right now it's pouring. The second storm of the year has arrived in my life. I must look my child in the eyes and say, "Everything will be okay," even though I am less than certain. I must stare into the eye of this storm, throw my fists up, and shout, "I will not be moved!" While silently I’ll pray, hoping that my house is indeed built upon the rock.

A writer, even an artist, utilizes pain and fear—downright exploits those ne’er-do-wells. This is precisely what I plan to do with Part 3 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother. Pulling from life, my present challenges will be wrapped up in an imaginative and fanciful package. I'll do my best to keep my devout readers informed as to when they can expect Part 3. Meanwhile, I hope you'll stop by on Monday—I know it’s a holiday—for Part 2.4, the final segment of that chapter.

My saying, my song, and my scripture of the day: "Consider the lilies." (Google It)