Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Getting Ready to Launch


The first month of blog posts are written. Woo hoo! They're copy-edited and ready to go. Much thanks to Editing by Suzy.  


Here are a few brief quotes--a sneak preview--from the first post:

"I’m sure you’re acquainted with the statistics: In the United States, 45–50% of first marriages end in divorce. Twenty-seven percent of American women who marry under the age of 20 end up divorced. Today there are 14 million single parents, divorced or otherwise, residing in the States. Of the latter, the overwhelming majority—a whopping 83% (11.6 million)—are single mothers. I’m one of each of those; a percent, a number. I contribute to the 45–50%, the 27%, and the 83%."

"You may have seen me at church years ago sitting on a back row, just me and my baby girl. You might have wondered where my husband was—or if I ever had one."

"Maybe you’re that girl who talked about me behind my back. You told people that I have issues and that I don’t dress right, or act right, so I attract the wrong guys."

"Maybe you did more than see me or befriend me; you might have dated me."

"Whoever you are, were you curious as to how I ended up like this...?"

SO THERE YOU HAVE IT: A GLIMPSE. Hope you'll follow. Don't forget: July 2nd. Put it on your calendar.