Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sayonara Single Status

Yes. I've been busy. Dating has led to a mutual love, something I thought after 11+ years of being a single mother I may never experience again. And you know what? I was okay with it. Yet, here I am with a ring on my finger, about to marry a guy who is so close to the version of Finn I dreamed up for Cena it's weird--downright freaky! Though Finn is a Brad Pitt-esque, Cougar alumnus, ex-football player turned graphic designer guy, and my guy doesn't have an artistic bone in his body and probably wouldn't remind you of Brad Pitt at all; he's still a green-eyed, sandy-haired, crooked-smiling, football-loving, BYU diehard fan almost to a fault, too much of a guy-guy type of guy. So, the similarities between my Finn fantasy and my fiancĂ© reality, to me, are merely the differences between fact and fiction. 

Don't worry. Just because I'm tying the knot this weekend doesn't mean I'm finished sharing my stories with you. Believe me. I have plenty of sins, hims, and whims tales to tell. 11+ years worth! Oh, and I haven't forgotten about my family history story that I promised to share. Life is just busy. Once things get back to a normal pace I'll get to work on that again. It's almost finished. I've condensed it to what I think will be a short sweet post. I'm hoping I'll have time to get to it within the next few months.

Anyway, all this marriage stuff has me feeling gratitude for the many trials I've had as a single mother. I see how each and every struggle has led me here to this place and this time. It was a broken, thorny path, that sometimes felt like an uphill climb. Lately, I think a few of those little thorns are stuck in my toes because I feel the sting of them as I continue to travel down this path that is now merging onto someone else's. Still, I know that had these difficulties not been mine, the blessings I'm experiencing now could not be mine either. 

Tonight my thoughts and prayers for the single mothers out there are these: Know that the sacrifices and choices you make to serve your children and rear them in love will bring you the greatest blessings and will result in your happiness. And every night as you snuggle with your little ones, feeling exhausted and beaten down by the day, the Lord's arms are around you and your babies. I know this is true. I know it with all my heart. The tears welling in my eyes at this very moment testify to me yet again that I know this truth: The Lord is aware of your needs.



Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sneak Peek at Part 4.3 [Spoiler Alert]

Part 4.3 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother will be up on Monday, and this one's too cute to miss! 

Our heroine has lost her job, her pride, and nearly her hope. But things are looking up for Cena Flores, and so is she...literally...right into the eyes of a handsome stranger who jump starts Cena's barely beating heart and breathes life into her withered soul, which up until now has been devoid of pointless romantic notions that are a complete waste of time. Who is this mystery man with "celebrity appeal" who Cena says has "got this Brad Pitt charm working for [him]"? Find out on Monday.

Don't forget to subscribe, comment, and share. Thanks.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Insights on Part 4.1

Here's an insight for my readers... 

While this story is fictional, in last week's post, Part 4.1, the memory Cena recalls is an actual experience I had some time around 2002-03. The meeting with her church leader, the flat tire, the compassionate service Cena volunteered for, even the way she scrounged up the money to pay her bills, are all true events plucked from the pages of my own personal journal. Ironically, I'm going through a similarly trying time right now--does it ever end?--which is strange because I wrote this storyline months ago. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Part 4.1. I appreciate your feedback. 

Also, don't forget--new post tomorrow! In Part 4.2 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother we will learn more about Cena's friend Kristy, who presents Cena with a hopeful opportunity.

Thanks for reading. Please subscribe.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sneak Peek at Part 4 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother

It's official. The first of three segments in Part 4 of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother starts tomorrow and will continue for the next two Mondays. 

Cena Flores faces a major trial, but draws on lessons learned and her well of faith to see her through her difficulty. Soon, things are looking up for Cena when Kristy calls with good news. Later, when a handsome stranger saves the day, Cena feels the stir of butterflies that she thought had died long ago. Who is this mysterious hero with the power to bring Cena's shriveled heart back to life?

Don't miss these next three inspirational and romantic posts, and don't forget to comment either here or on my Facebook Page. See you Monday. As for today...Happy Easter. Thank God for His Son.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Update on Part 4 and True Tale to Come

Quick announcement: I just wanted to keep you informed on the upcoming true tale of single motherhood that I previously promised, the one about my great, great grandmother. Today I was on the phone with my Nana, who is getting together with her sister this week specifically to research her grandmother, Angelina, and her family. My original ETA for this post was way off. I don't know how I thought I could ever tell such a rich story based only on the tidbits of information I currently have. I need more, which means I also need more time. Give me a couple months at least to prepare for this memoir. All you single mothers will enjoy it, especially those of you who, like me, aren't receiving child support or any help from your enforcement agency.

In the meantime, get ready to be excited. I just completed Part 4 of my fictional story, Sins, Hims, and Whims, of a Single Mother. I'm thinking of entering what I've written up to now in a contest or two, mainly for the experience. I would love to have your comments and feedback right away. I hope to have Part 4.1 up by Monday, April 1st. If not, well...April Fool''ll be the following Monday. My friend and editor, Suzy, has it now. Either way, swing by this Monday and the next because each piece of the fourth segment will post subsequently on Mondays after Part 4.1 is released. 

Thank you, Readers. I know you are few, but I appreciate your attention. I love to share with you. 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Upcoming True Tale of Single Motherhood

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Single Moms out there!

I haven’t posted in over a month. Sorry. I've been working with my Nana on piecing together an interesting story of my great, great grandmother who I mentioned in a previous blog post, Angelina Jacquez-Norsagaray. I’m eager to tell this new tale, which I believe illustrates the particularly difficult challenges my single-mother ancestor endured during the Great Depression Era. However, I want to make sure we have all the facts as correct as possible before posting the story. We have a little more research to do, so it may take me a few weeks to complete. Also, my time is stretched pretty thin. (I’m sure other single mothers can sympathize with me there.) Anyway, I just wanted to give you a sneak peek at another real life single-mother tale to come. Can’t wait to share. Hope you’ll keep an eye out for this future blog post. Thanks for reading.