Saturday, August 29, 2015

Print Proof Number Two On Its Way

I lied. I guess I'm more indecisive than I realized. The great debate between matte and glossary finish seems open-ended.

I brought my matte finish print proof to work on Wednesday. A lot of people liked the matte, how it felt so "soft" and "powdery." Others thought, same as me, that it might be better in glossy.

"I think glossy would make the blacks deeper and the whites pop more," I said. "And maybe boost the saturation on the blues...I want it to be truer to the digital file." So goes the debate.

There was a lady who suggested embossing the letters on the cover. I had thought the exact same thing when I laid eyes on my first print proof. Unfortunately, this cool effect is not an option with cheap on-demand printing. Honestly, the quality of the print proof was mediocre. I wish I could afford a boutique printer or an overseas mass production run that I could import.

I noticed a crooked margin, which tells me that the pages are not cut straight. It wasn't even me that noticed. One of my colleagues spotted it. I hope it's not like this in production. This bothers me and I think I need to take it up with the printer...

Another thing that I noticed when I was digital proofing was the way the typesetting in a couple places contained only part of one line or one word carried over to a page by itself (end of a chapter). I had debated fixing this, but I wasn't sure it was worth bothering the formatter again over it. Although, in the end I think my critics know best. There was only one person out of about 30 people who scanned the print proof who wasn't bothered by a "widow." Everyone else expressed very strong feelings about the annoyance of lone lines and widowed words. So, I did contact the formatter for a revision on the typesetting...and I did feel like a nuisance. But from what I've digitally proofed, it was the right move. It looks much cleaner...

So, here I am, ordering print proof number two. I paid for expedited shipping because I want to release Silver Awakening, both the e-book and the paperback, on September 10th. Originally I had wanted to release at the end of August, but I ran into so many technical issues, and then of course the design process took much longer than I had anticipated. But I think it is better to delay and feel like I have a product that I'm confident in rather than hurry to meet a self-imposed deadline. Well, sort of self-imposed...I have plans to hold a book signing while in California, where I'll be heading to attend a big family/friends event in mid-September, which is why I made the Drop-dead deadline  September 10th. I don't want to miss an opportunity to help spark any potential word of mouth buzz. I mean, I'm an indie author who no one knows or cares about, right? Don't I need all the help I can get?

This has been a long and slightly difficult process. I think as I write my next novel (I'm working on Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother, but I also just started compiling all my notes for a Silver Awakening sequel, so we'll see which one I finish first.) I need to keep in mind the struggles. During this process I figured out how to make slight revisions to my e-book and I realized that while it is time-consuming, with my art education and background, it wasn't as impossible as I thought it might be. I'd like to try it myself next least for my little Sins, Hims, and Whims novella. Also, I might either lay it out in In-design myself or hire one of my many friends who are designers--even if they are busy and I have to wait awhile. I learned that it is easiest working with friends who are invested in YOU...a lot less back and forth, a lot less feeling guilty for asking to change something you're not totally satisfied with, no debate about obtaining original files--originals offered up stress and worry free. The people who know you and love you just tend to appreciate you more as a person instead of treating you like a nuisance.

Nevertheless, this being said, I also feel the need to brace myself. One thing I'm certain of is that those who love you and support you are typically not as hard on you and your work as faceless strangers and armchair bloggers. This is why I've felt the need to make my very first self-published novel the best it can be.

This journey began in 2008. It's finally coming into fruition. To be determined...


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Silver Awakening Print Proof

9/30/15 Update to this Post: I actually DID CHANGE MY MIND about this after I saw all the widows and orphans in the original interior layout as well as a horrible printing issue where the letter D would print as a big dot (CreateSpace issue not a formatting issue). Eventually, I was able to regain control of the working interior file...I'm grateful to my formatter for being willing to release the file to me so that I could get the printing issues and layout troubles fixed. She was super sweet to work with me and another designer as a team, so that I could get to a more polished and professional look without increasing my budget. (My formatter didn't charge much at all. She basically laid it all out the way I had instructed but then wasn't able to clean up widows and orphans or headers without going over the allotted design hours, so we had to improvise.) Once I had the working file, I then coordinated with another designer who has a lot of experience with book interiors (she's designed for larger publishers than lil old me). She offered consulting services that I so appreciate. Both designers have received credit in my book for their work. (Please note: I did the interior design editing/revisions myself, though, so if anyone takes issue with it this is all on me!...I feel good about it, though. Really good. I have a BFA from USU and as part of my art program I had design training...introductory but sufficient...thank goodness for it too. It came in handy.) Aside from the interior, the cover looks even more awesome now that colors are printing as intended. See snapshots of the new, and hopefully, final print proof here.

Original Post:

I received the print proof of my debut novel, Silver Awakening! This is so exciting! I love it. 

I've debated over page inserts...not sure it matters anymore… I think saving trees and money was the best choice.

I've changed my mind a million times about the cover, whether glossy or matte finish...I like the matte finish. It looks very mature.

So, here is a sneak peek of my book, which if after I read through it and proof this hardcopy it's deemed good to go, then I plan to release it on September 3rd. It'll be releasing on Amazon, Kindle, and Nook. FYI The e-books will not have the graphics or same pretty interior that the print edition has.

Stay tuned for more updates.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Oops. My bad... Thanks lil bro!

I'm currently experiencing that dreadful nightmare of a moment when I'm past the point of no return, but I really want to turn around and go back and redo something...

I should've SPECIFICALLY named my brother AARON MICHAEL PRADO in my acknowledgments. I did thank my family and friends generally, but I completely forgot about a special contribution that he made to my book. So, I gave him an Instagram shout out tonight...

...I know it's not the same, but I hope you'll forgive me. I love you little brother.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Glossy or Matte: The great debate.

I was having trouble deciding if I want a glossy cover or a matte cover on my soon-to-be-released novel, Silver Awakening. I hold a BFA with a photography emphasis, and when it comes to photo prints I know that I prefer the mature look of a lustre finish, which is semi gloss, a balance between matte and glossy. Then, as I looked at some of my favorite book covers, I noticed they were all matte finishes. So, I ordered my print proof in matte. I'm second guessing myself tonight though, which is normal for me. I keep thinking, "Wouldn't glossy make the title pop off the image and enhance the glow effect more than matte?" 

I have debated a million times over the details of this book, like page inserts for example. "Do I add page inserts to make the chapters always start on the right side, or not? Don't I want to separate the copyright page from the dedication?" Page inserts drive up the cost though, which I think is already pretty high. I had to price my book a few dollars higher than I had intended just so I could maintain a decent profit margin across the various distribution channels. I guess it's kind of a long book compared to some others in the fantasy/paranormal category, but it doesn't seem that long reading it. It's not like Game of Thrones or the last four Harry Potters in length. Mine's only 328 pages total. My husband says I'm stressing about details that nine out of ten people would never even consider. "Okay. Fine. I'm obsessing. It's my baby. What can I say?"

In the end, frugality wins over most of my preferences, and I hope it's not a noticeable loss. But the pagination of the interior is all me, exactly how I envisioned, precisely as I had asked for from my formatter...which wasn't a cinch to get to, but it got there. I asked for drop cap. I got drop cap. I asked for the moon graphic on the chapter headers with the chapter number and title centered on it. That's what I got. It's beautiful, how I imagined it could be. Besides, if I wanted to change it now to add additional inserts, my formatter would have to go back and renumber pages, which at this point would be another additional cost to me. So, my penny-pinching self is settled on the interior. Now, if I could just come to terms with the cover...Matte?...Glossy?...Matte?...

I'm excited to see the print proof though!'s on it's way!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

First Indie Book Submitted

Final full cover is finished...My first indie novel, Silver Awakening, is submitted! Waiting on approval to proceed to print proof. So exciting!

Special thanks to Erin Hiatt for being exceptionally professional and making me feel so at ease...and especially for her streamline service! It's a beautiful cover, Erin! You are a pleasure to work with and I hope we can do it again sometime. Thank you!!

Getting closer to launching. Still hoping to hit a month end release, but if it moves into September, please know it is because I'm striving for perfection within my resources. Hope you'll all pick up a copy when available. Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stage Proof of Silver Awakening Full Cover

Got a stage proof of full cover/spine. So close! Adding notes. Thinking should include author photo/blurb...will sleep on it. Opinions?

#firsttime #author #debutauthor #books #novel #fantasy #paranormal #indieauthor #SilverAwakening

Friday, August 7, 2015

August 5th 1989

August 5th, 1989 was a tragic day for me and my family. That morning I was driving a WaveRunner on the Colorado River in Laughlin, Nevada and a guy who was pulling a waterskier in his blue boat crashed into me. Apparently he was watching the waterskier instead of looking ahead. It was an accident, but it changed my life. 

I suffered two broken jaws that took many years and a lot of reconstructive surgeries to repair. I have a scar on my face that reminds me of how hard that whole experience was every time I look in the mirror. I took a hit, not just physically but also emotionally. My self-esteem suffered the most. I look back on that time, reading through the pages of my journals, pondering on my feelings about myself in those days, and I see how my scar was an outward reflection of an inward mark on my heart.

I worried a lot more than I should have about what people--the wrong people--thought of me. I recall children making fun of me in elementary school, and later in junior high, trying harder than ever to fit in. It was really stressful. Kids are kind of mean. 

By the time I was in high school, which is where I met my daughter's dad, I was aching for love and affection and because of that ache I dated a guy I knew I shouldn't--tried to break up with him a couple of times but I was too insecure. I believed him when he'd say that no one would love me like he did. I learned a valuable lesson: Never marry your high school sweetheart. In hindsight, high school sweethearts are not that sweet. And I'm glad no one loves me the way my ex-husband did...his kind of love was creepy and controlling...definitely not edifying or uplifting.

Anyway, my point in bringing all of this up is that August 5th came and went again. This year, as the sun was barely rising in the early morning hours way before it was time for me to wake up to my alarm clock, I couldn't help but think of how different my life is now. I'm thankful that my insecurities--those nasty stings that hurt, those chains that kept me bound for a couple of decades, those stumbling blocks that made the road so treacherous--are in many ways behind me now.

I think those insecurities, a lot of which resulted from my tragedy in 1989, paved the way to my single motherhood experience, and even made that experience last a lot longer than it probably could have. But I'm grateful for my trials. I see how they led me to a better place, to a good man. This poem came to my mind as my heart flooded with gratitude the other day. So, I jotted down the words...tapped my fingers so that they wouldn't escape me. Life is sweet.