Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blog Revisions and New Endeavors

Some of you know that a few years ago I completed my first full-length novel. I've spent the past few years line reviewing and copy editing. It's been a difficult project, the bulk of which I completed as a single mother. I'm embarking on the book cover and layout stages now.

All the while I've been researching and comparing the self-publishing route verses the traditional. I can't say I'm a fan of the traditional method so far, especially since I work so much. I'm truly exhausted at the end of each day. Writing query letters and researching literary agents is not fun and it takes a lot of time away from my family, which I view as a major negative. So, I'm going to gamble on myself.

I think I'd regret it if I didn't at least see my work either in print or digital format. A project that I worked so hard on for so many years, during some of my most difficult trials as a single mother...I have to do this...I have to publish my work somehow, some way. If not, I fear I'll be eternally disappointed with myself.

I need to test the waters and learn the process of self-publishing. I need something to set sail with though. So, I've removed all my posts of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother, my chick-lit novel.

I'll still continue to post my real life sins, hims, and whims stories, but as for my novel...if you want to re-read the early parts I had previously posted or if you want to see how things end up for Cena, then you'll have to stay tuned because I'm planning to self-publish Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother as a way for me to learn the ropes. I figure I ought to practice first with a shorter length novel that fits into a smaller niche, and #SHWSM is precisely that. Plus, it's a work of mine that I'm not afraid to make mistakes with. So, I'm now in the process of wrapping things up for Cena and her single mother clan. I just won't be doing it online like I had originally intended. Sorry.

When the time is right--when I'm finished with the conclusion of Cena's story--I'll be sure to make an announcement here on my blog so that you'll know where you can go to obtain a copy of Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother. I hope the few of you who've already enjoyed #SHWSM will support me when my lil baby chick-lit novel debuts out in the real world. Thanks for reading!
