Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Silver Awakening Paperback Available at Amazon

Silver Awakening paperback is available now on Amazon for $16.99 with free shipping for Amazon Prime members! Also, if you purchase the paperback from Amazon, you can download the Kindle Edition for free.

If you don't have Amazon Prime then it might be cheaper for you to purchase the book direct from my eStore using this limited-time offer promo code, RMELLRB5, which reduces the list price to $13.00. I believe the shipping runs about $3.00. So, just see which distributor can give you the best deal.

Don't forget to post a review on your favorite sites! Thanks!


Positive First Reviews for Silver Awakening

First Amazon Review

First Goodreads Review (my hubby)

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Saturday, October 3, 2015


If anyone received the email newsletter about the release of Silver Awakening on paperback saying that they received it because they are subscribed to the newsletter and you know that you are not subscribed, please disregard the message. Please accept my deepest apologies. This was a result of an error with the Wix.com Shout Out feature...a feature I will never use again. (I may need to switch to a different service provider.) I'm so sorry if you feel spammed right now. It shouldn't happen again.


Jessica Prado

Don't forget about the reason for this blog: Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother, a novella.

Amid all my blogging about Silver Awakening...I want to remind everyone that there is another piece of fiction I've been working on for the past three years. It's a chick-lit novella that shares the title of my blog, Sins, Hims, and Whims of a Single Mother. I'm only about halfway through the writing process on it, though, and since I work about 55 hours per week at a pay-the-bills job, you'll have to be patient with me.

Please visit my blog's page for SHWSM, the novella, to read excerpts. Some of you who have been reading my blog for years will recall when these excerpts were blog posts.

I hope this story interests you. Stay tuned, or subscribe to my mailing list and never miss an update on my projects and promotional deals.




The paperback edition of Silver Awakening is available now at my eStore. It will be available on Amazon in a couple of days. For a limited time, if you shop at Amazon you will be able to download the Kindle edition for FREE with the purchase of a paperback.

Also, for a limited time, you can use this Promo Code H97PNNDD to get $2.00 off the paperback edition if purchased HERE

If you have already purchased the eBook, please send me a proof of purchase. You may comment or message me here at my blog or go to my Facebook Fan Page and send via Messenger. I have a different promo code that I'd like to share with you, which will give you an additional discount on the paperback.

I'd also like to share the additional discount promo code with you for subscribing to my newsletter

PLEASE POST REVIEWS everywhere you can, on all your favorite sites. Please share with other readers and bloggers. Thank you for your support. I hope you enjoy this book.